As simple as that.
After reading a good number of blogs over the various years and endless discussions of them with people in person... and recently responding to them in more detail... I decided to actually start my own. Perhaps to be able to better explain my own perceptions on gaming, storytelling, and world building... perhaps just to talk to the heavens, so to speak, and perhaps entertain someone who stumbles across it for a short while. If anything, give something back to the community, even on accident.
Over the course of time, I hope to do something akin to other good bloggers but I won't claim I am anything special. I am not an industry writer, I haven't written a book, I don't have a degree in anything. What I have done is run... a lot. One 'sandbox' world for about 14 years now across 5 separate rule engines and numerous iterations and errata and splat book arrivals. There has been a few breaks... a number of attempts to kill the world on my part... more than enough fights to make anyone else give up... and a laundry list of problems that have been overcome. Its crossed numerous campaigns and none of the players I started with are still around. It happens, lives change... I was in college with this started... definitely older now... though the age of my players seems to stay the same... except for a precious few.
I am not a hard core rules lawyer though I do love having crunch to back up my ideas. I am not a free former though I do love letting imagination take over and see where it goes. No matter what I am, I have to rule it has been success. People have enjoyed it greatly... only leaving because life changes and takes them away. Only really lost maybe two from actual disagreements but that is a pretty good ratio... 1 every 7 years? I'll take that. Isn't that the point of this hobby after all? To enjoy the game? Of course it is!
Perhaps I am wrong in my ideas and I hope to the gods that I am! I am saying this out the void that is the internet because I want more feedback. I can never stop improving... it is why I read blogs such as The Tao of D&D or the creator diaries of an endless string of games. Its why I watch things like The Big Picture with Movie Bob, Extra Credits, or Zero Punctuation over at The Escapist. Its why I enjoy listening to Total Biscuit. I don't take all that they say whole cloth but they always bring up ideas that I can extrapolate on and use to improve if I think I agree with something they say... or figure out what I disagree with and formulate it into a semi-intelligent state.
I plan on touching base with a whole lot of things... if time allows. I guarantee it won't be perfect. I guarantee you might not get the same mileage that I have with my ideas. Perhaps though, you might be able to derive something from my ramblings and ideas that you can use. Even if it is a name or a concept... that's okay. If you don't agree with, please say so! I might not change my stance on it but if I can take something from your argument, I will... and I hope that if I can explain it better to you, you might change your stance as well.
But, for a simple introduction... I think this has rambled on a good deal.
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